Sunday, February 4, 2018

Agree- Five Minute Friday on Sunday

What a busy weekend! This week's prompt took me back to a friendship I developed years ago.

Amos 3:3 "Do two walk together unless they have agreed to do so?" (NASB)


Don't get married, unless you can agree upon some pretty important points. 

Make sure you agree to talk about those important points.

If you don't, how can or will your marriage last?

I took a lot of time building a friendship with an older gentleman years ago. My prayer was we would come to a place of mutual agreement either to seal the deal for something long term or part ways. We did not agree upon the issue of children. He was adamant he didn't want them, but I did. I was not going to change him or his mind. 

We agreed to disagree and parted amicably. I am so thankful we talked about the important issues first.


To see what others are agreeing upon, check out

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