Saturday, November 22, 2014

NOTICE! My Five Minute Friday Blurb

It is Saturday and I am just getting to this, but I took a peek at Kate's website last night to discover the new word and had time to sleep on it. Here are my thoughts today.


One's observations

Talking about them

In a positive way and

Compassionately can

Encourage and empower others each day

I use the expression, "I noticed......." with my students to reinforce the positive behaviors I see. I need to be watching and catching them acting appropriately.  They need to know what they are doing that's right.  It's something that can be used by anyone in any relationship, even to confront a problem. We can "NOTICE" behaviors that need questioning and more attention.


  1. I love this. I think so many times we tend to only notice and comment on the negative actions of those around us. Thank you for the reminder that I need to look for more of the positive.

  2. So true. The noticing of a good behavior or kind word or deed can go such a long way! Its so much easier to see the negative and point out the not-so-great things. Thanks for sharing!

    -FMF neighbor

    1. Thanks for stopping by. I'm glad you got something out of it.

  3. How cool that you let this word percolate over night, let it simmer and sit with you!

