Monday, August 28, 2017

Guide-A late version of Five Minute Friday

I just returned from vacation late Saturday and am still trying to get caught up on life, so here I am posting for last Friday's prompt. So many people came to mind for this prompt. People I am so thankful I've had in my life through the years to point me in the right direction. Even more so is having the ultimate guide book which I can go back to time and time again for timeless truths. It's the oldest one in print.

Here are the thoughts that flowed for............


They know the way
They've traveled the trail before
They'll go in front leading
They'll let you lead and watch as you go

I'm so glad for those who serve as signs
Taught well by experience
They can save one a lot of wasted time

In the woods they are aware
They don't need to tread lightly
In wide open spaces they maintain direction
Internal compass developed strongly

How I wish I knew more
My grandparents are gone
I'm getting older now
Hopefully I can serve as a guide as well


1 Corinthians 11:1 "Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ." (NIV)

To see what others have been guided by or use to help them, check out


  1. This is so good, Leigh, and I am absolutely sure you will be - and ARE - a solid, dependable and cheerful guide.

    I only know you through this medium, but the wisdom and heart I have seen...I'd follow you anywhere.

  2. I hope you have a lovely vacation. I can identify with the desire to give to those coming behind, some of what was received from those who went before us. Visiting from FMF. Blessings.
