Friday, May 6, 2016

Miss-Five Minute Friday

I read this week's prompt early this morning and set my timer for five minutes before letting the ink and my thoughts flow. Later in the day I saw a former neighbor of the apartment complex I used to live in. She informed me that one of the seniors in our complex passed away months ago. I didn't know until today. 

Thus I missed the service, I missed the opportunity to say good bye and I missed my last opportunity to bring him homemade banana bread around the holidays. Life was so hectic for me last December, I just didn't get to baking anything for anyone. I thought about baking for the new year and dropping by to visit Tony, my former neighbor, but again didn't get it. I missed it! It is done and I am reminded again to do things when I think of them and make more time for people.

Tony was a friendly WWII veteran in his late eighties or nineties, who loved to sun bathe and smoke big cigars. He also loved to help water the flowers I planted while I lived there. He was quite a character and I have missed his friendly spirit and just having someone to chat about the weather with. He loved to talk and help people when he could. He was a great security system as he kept track of everything and everybody. I am thankful for the time I knew him, his service to our country and his friendly spirit. Tonight I am missing an old neighbor, but I am also thinking of what flowed early this morning when I read this week's prompt. 

Here is what I came up with earlier:

Missed a spot

Go back and wipe it again

Missed or dodged a bullet

Could've been a close one

Miss a meeting or a birthday

Anyone can forget or overlook

Missing family

Dad's been gone over three years now

Miss the sunshine

Rain every darn day this week

Miss the hugs

Not everyone gives bear hugs like Dad

Miss long talks and cooking with a friend

She's been too busy to call or text

Miss Jesus with skin on

He died and ascended

His disciples never saw Him again


I pray that I will miss less opportunities and be able to prioritize better. Once someone is gone, they're gone.

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1 comment:

  1. beautiful thoughts. all of them. glad i didn't miss it.
