Is it better to be single or married?
Both have their disappointments and drawbacks.
Is it better to have kids or pets?
Both need time and attention.
Is it better to be young or old?
You never stop learning.
At least I hope I don't.
Is it better to be black or white?
Both have something to offer.
Diversity is key.
Is it better to live in America or some place else?
We'll find light and dark wherever we go.
Is it better to be a democrat or republican?
Both have valid points on one issue or another.
Is it better to spend eternity in heaven or hell?
Another quote worth sharing, "If you think the grass is greener in your neighbor's yard, that's the Holy Spirit telling you to tend to your own better." -anonymous
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Love this Leigh! If we would all see that there is good and bad, commonalities, and challenges in everyone we meet, everything we face I think the world would be better off! Thanks for your wisdom! Your neighbor at #fmf, Cindy