Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pause-Five Minute Friday

Happy Summer everyone! I enjoyed writing for this week's prompt and hope you enjoy the read. Thank you for taking time to stop by and pause from life which can get ridiculously busy.

Away from
Unlimited distractions
Sit still in silence

Time to think. Time to pause. How can I listen to my heart and His leading if I haven't learned to sit still in silence?

I love the bright, red plumage of the male cardinal. I love to see his splash of color dart across my yard.

Guess what? I can't always see him though. He hides in the evergreens, but I know his tweet. As soon as I hear, my body stops and my ears turn towards his boisterous call. I'm still as a statue to discern which direction his tweet is coming from.


John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me;" (NASB)

To see what other do to pause, check out

1 comment:

  1. Perfect way to remember "PAUSE" - thanks!! Hope you have enjoyed some chances to "pull away" over this long weekend!!
