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Unlimited distractions
Sit still in silence
Time to think. Time to pause. How can I listen to my heart and His leading if I haven't learned to sit still in silence?
I love the bright, red plumage of the male cardinal. I love to see his splash of color dart across my yard.
Guess what? I can't always see him though. He hides in the evergreens, but I know his tweet. As soon as I hear, my body stops and my ears turn towards his boisterous call. I'm still as a statue to discern which direction his tweet is coming from.
John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me;" (NASB)
To see what other do to pause, check out www.fiveminutefriday.com
Perfect way to remember "PAUSE" - thanks!! Hope you have enjoyed some chances to "pull away" over this long weekend!!