Saturday, May 26, 2018

Pause-Five Minute Friday

Happy Summer everyone! I enjoyed writing for this week's prompt and hope you enjoy the read. Thank you for taking time to stop by and pause from life which can get ridiculously busy.

Away from
Unlimited distractions
Sit still in silence

Time to think. Time to pause. How can I listen to my heart and His leading if I haven't learned to sit still in silence?

I love the bright, red plumage of the male cardinal. I love to see his splash of color dart across my yard.

Guess what? I can't always see him though. He hides in the evergreens, but I know his tweet. As soon as I hear, my body stops and my ears turn towards his boisterous call. I'm still as a statue to discern which direction his tweet is coming from.


John 10:27 "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me;" (NASB)

To see what other do to pause, check out

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Secret- Five Minute Friday

God keeps a lot of secrets. So much is hidden from us to either protect or surprise. One of the little secrets was an anonymous gift I have never forgotten. This was just another token I least expected. To this day, the giver remains a ..........


It's still a secret. I never found out who was led to be so generous, but it doesn't really matter. I never forgot the action and to this day I remain humbled by it.

I had recently graduated from college and was living in NYC, while teaching in a private Christian school. One Sunday while I was driving to church in New City, my car began to shake, rattle, and smoke. I made it to church just in time, but the head gasket was officially blown. Two weeks and a thousand dollars later it was fixed. My credit card was maxed with no money in savings and I had lots of college loans I was only beginning to repay.

Someone gave my church a check for the amount to cover my car repairs. Someone from my church back home and to this day I still don't know who.


Thank you, my family, my friend! You were oh so kind and generous to a young girl in her twenties who had much to learn about managing money. I have never forgotten your and God's kindness since then. I look for opportunities to pay it forward, knowing we all need grace in time of need. May God continue to bless you and may your barns never cease to overflow.

Philippians 4:19" And my God will supply all your needs according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus. Now to our God be the glory forever and ever. Amen." (NASB)

To see what other secrets are out of the bag or still being kept, check out

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Include-Five Minute Friday

My mind went round and round this morning with this week's prompt. I automatically thought of different products with labels that read: 


It got me thinking what is and isn't included in the Christian life and the Church. Here's just a brief comparison I came up with in five minutes.


  • final destination with step by step directions
  • plenty of detours, hills & valleys
  • peace available
  • personal, protective equipment for your mind & spirit
  • works in progress
  • forgiveness


* the whole journey mapped out in detail
* a smooth, straight path       
*freedom from pain & suffering
*freedom from dangerous situations
*perfect people
*freedom from falling 


To see what others included in their posts this week, check out

To find out more about what is included in the Christian life, check out the Bible

Friday, May 4, 2018

Adapt- Five Minute Friday

TGIF! For the first time in awhile, I actually have time to sit and post on a Friday. This week's word is one I've learned to live with since my years as a youth growing into adulthood and then in becoming a teacher. Google defines it as "make suitable for a new use or purpose; modify" Sooner or later everyone must............


Reduce, reuse, recycle

Stop wasting, but save it for another time

If you have to modify

Life is all about how you handle plan b

In teaching primary level students, I've learned to write plans in pencil. I've also learned to save ideas or lessons for a different day when needed. Save the chunks, the scraps, and whatever else. After all, highly effective means always developing, always tweaking, and cultivating so it can bring some golden nugget of truth to life.

Reminds me of compost-God's natural recycling plan. Tossing the scraps and fibrous skins in, fertilizing future fulness to come forth.


Romans 8:28"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose." (NASB)

To see how others adapt check out