Sunday, December 27, 2015

Unknown-five Minute Friday's December 18th posting

Ok, I am over a week late on this one, but could not decide what my one word prompt should be. After letting it stew for the past week or so, I decided on the above- "Unknown" because so much of life is unknown and what are we to do? I hope this encourages someone that there is Someone who knows more than you or I do.


we don't know what to expect 

tomorrow is never foretold or guaranteed

it can be filled with pleasure or pain

it can be an end or a new beginning

if we knew, the mystery would disappear

anticipation and hope would be gone

we can only hope for what we do not see

and so we face the great unknown

unknown to all, but a King of Kings

who conceals it in His hands

we cannot fathom or imagine 

living where all is clear as can be

we are surrounded by too many clouds 

the King will guide us into an unknown destiny

here or there or anywhere


To see what others came up with last week, check out

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