Saturday, February 28, 2015

Visit- Five Minute Friday

I have taken a break from the typical acrostics I have been doing and just went with a free write.  This week's prompt from Five Minute Friday is "visit".

Visit. What would I see if I could step in from the outside to visit with me?  Would I want to? Would I leave refreshed or frustrated by everything?  I wonder what it's like for others when I complain or vent out of my own frustration and needs.  I don't know how often they see or feel what it's like for me.  A brief moment, a visit over a hot cup of tea can be enlightening, refreshing like a warm summer's breeze, but today would you want to visit with me?


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1 comment:

  1. Wonderful post! I really love how you're writing poetry for your Five Minute Fridays! A visit over tea sounds most wonderful to me! ^_^
