Sunday, January 29, 2017

Control-Five Minute Friday

I've let this one marinate a bit over the weekend. I just wasn't sure what I should write and which direction I should take. I remembered Janet Jackson's hit from 1986 "Control" and thought how it is an illusion to believe we can make all our dreams come true. We can't control the cards we are dealt in life. We can do our best and we can control our attitude, but even that requires some discipline. There's plenty we just cannot control. Yet we can control ourselves.

I can stay in bed and hide under the covers or

I can push them off and face the day

I can drag myself to splash water on my face or

I can bounce with a spring in my step all the way

I can soak up the silence in the morning or

I can blast the morning news

I can find my way with the attitude I choose

Control, now I've got a whole lot

Control, I smile or I frown

Control, look, listen, watch

Anticipate and be ready

Control, I can throw in the towel if I want

Cards are dealt

How will I play?

Round and round they go now


Proverbs 8:34-36 "Blessed is the man who listens to me, Watching daily at my gates, Waiting at my doorposts. 'For he who finds me finds life and obtains favor from the Lord. 'But he who sins against me injures himself; All those who hate me love death.'" (NASB)

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Friday, January 20, 2017

Refine-Five Minute Friday

I had all kinds of images come to me this morning for this week's prompt. Before I share though, I want to thank the people who have been a mirror in my own life. They are friends and family members who have been bold enough to be honest with me about the not so nice stuff and still love me unconditionally. My late dad, Guy, and my mom, Linda, endured so much when I first went to live with them at the age of fifteen. They were gentle, but they were honest and did set boundaries. The friends I've had for close to twenty years or more are honest. We've had some tough conversations through the years, but I know I am a better person now because of them.  I thank God for the people in my life.

Proverbs 27:6 "Wounds from a  friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses."


Nobody really likes it.

It's more uncomfortable to some than others.

Having a bright light with a mirror held up shows everything;

especially if it's one of those cosmetic mirrors that magnifies

every little detail on your skin.

Or what about the co-worker or roommate that hears and sees

what you say and do on a regular basis?

They can see those things, too.

Iron sharpens iron.

They can hold up the mirror or echo back what we say.

And then we can see.

We may love what we see or we may see those zits or

stubborn hairs needing some attention.

What will we do?


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Saturday, January 14, 2017

Middle- Five Minute Friday

I wasn't sure what to write when I first read the prompt for this week, but as I sat down to write tonight I remembered driving by a scene much like this one. It brought me comfort to imagine resting and collecting my thoughts under the shadow of such a mighty and solid life force as this. What a wondrous gift the seed and tree are from Him!

In the middle of a wide open field stood a great old, oak

Its branches spread high and wide

The leaves were oh so green

Birds rest on its branches and build a nest or two

Roots go down deep, to and fro

I can rest under that tree in the middle of the field

In the middle of a hot, hot day

I could relax under its shade, sipping cool water

While hearing the wind rustle its leaves

In the middle of nothing, can be something

There I can rest, there I can breathe

There I can contemplate


Psalm 91:1 "Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty." (NIV)

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Saturday, January 7, 2017

Connect-Five Minute Friday

Last year my second language learners acquired some new vocabulary. A retired teacher and friend of mine brought his model trains in for them to see. They were thrilled. I was happy to have a guest share with them his love of trains and how he connects everything together for it to work. 

Thus, "connect, disconnect, transformer, electricity, extension cords, and engineer", were just a few of the new words they learned. This week's prompt brought me back to that day. Everything had to be connected together and plugged into a main power source for those trains to zip around the tracks and deliver yummy granola bars to each of my students.

So this is what I came up with for.............


When the wires were disconnected, the synergy stopped

No more power, no more flow, no more movement

When I disconnect, I'm dead

Nothing more happens

Like two wires or extension cords unplugged from the main source

I will lie on the floor, taking up space, unable to bring any change or effect

Connected I am infused with power, a source not of myself, but in myself

Together we are better than apart

If I abide in Him, I can bear much fruit


John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing" (NIV)

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