Friday, November 25, 2016

Surrender-Five Minute Friday time

It's a gray day outside today and I am still in my jammies. I'm not a Black Friday shopper, so here I am getting an early start on this week's prompt. It certainly wasn't what I expected for the day after Thanksgiving, but it is what it is and here I am to respond and write. This is what I came up with in five today.

The old time hymn plays in my head- "I surrender all. I surrender all. All to Jesus Blessed Savior, I surrender all."

Yet a white flag waving also materializes.

I wonder how many have seen this picture of a woman donning a colorful hat with the caption, "Life is all about how you handle Plan B"?

How many have had to go with a Plan B or even C when life throws curves we never anticipated?

I have learned to surrender expectations. Plans for school have always been written in pencil, but now I live with Plan B or C on a regular basis. It's life.


To see what others are surrendering, check out

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