Saturday, October 29, 2016

Eat-Five Minute Friday on a late Saturday

Funny that this week's prompt is "eat" as I spent most of the day cooking. I tried two new recipes, a potato leek soup with bacon and a sweet potato and black been chili. Both came out pretty good.  However, what came to mind is sweeter memories of days long passed.

"Let her eat," my grandfather would answer my mother back. It didn't matter if I had just finished eating lunch before visiting with my parents. Grandpa's meatballs were the best.

For Italians, there is never anything as too much food. Eat and feast we must and we do. My father, Frank was always trying out new recipes and always made sauce from scratch. It was a joy for him to provide a scrumptious meal and see me and others eat and eat and eat. It feels good, like home, when I'm able to the same for others. 

Alice Waters philosophy is, "Eat together. Food is precious. Cook together. Include your family and friends and especially children." 

What a gift and art it truly is!


To see what others have cooked up this week, check out

1 comment:

  1. Sharing a meal with others is a great joy!
    Here in China, when you share a meal, you share food out of the serving dishes. It's very strange to me, as an American, but I can see that it contributes to the flow of conversation, too.
    Enjoy! (from FMF)
