Sunday, September 20, 2015

Celebrate Five Minute Friday on Sunday

"When we all get to heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be.", is how the chorus goes from one of the old time hymns.

If you've turned on the news though, we don't have to listen more than five minutes to know we are so far from heaven. Heaven is anywhere, but here. So must we wait for that day to celebrate and "shout the victory"?

None of us knows how long that will be for any of us. For those of us who check out and can enter that new realm, what a cause for celebration, but for those of us left behind..........


To see what others are celebrating, check out

It's where a bunch of us come together weekly to respond to a one word prompt. We just write for five minutes, unedited, uninterrupted. Then we post and comment on each other's work. Come join the fun!


  1. "Anywhere but here" is definitely right. Thank goodness one day we will be rejoice and worship Him for all eternity.

  2. Celebrating on Sunday with you. I'm your neighbor at FMF, God bless!
