Friday, August 29, 2014

Reach- 5 Minute Fridays!

Reach out and touch somebody is the song that comes to mind at first, but as I just recently celebrated a birthday, I am inspired to reach ahead into a new year. Reach for the stars. Move onward and upward. See what wonderful surprises may await me. It involves extending oneself to obtain something desired or needed. Yes, reach! Reach high and low. Reach far and wide and don't give up! I suppose that may be what I am doing here at Five Minute Fridays. This is a first for me and so I am jumping back into blogging with a fresh new twist. Reaching to find or perhaps rekindle some creativity. It is a great opportunity for me to reach out and connect with others as well. I'm happy to join the conversation!


  1. Welcome, Leigh! I'm your neighbor over at FMF. I love how blogging has connected me with so many beautiful people too!

    1. HI Eileen! Thanks for stopping by and your warm welcome!

  2. Welcome to FMF, Leigh! It's a fun community to be a part of ... and a great way to stretch yourself as a writer in all of 300 seconds!

    Have fun ...

    1. Thanks, Linda! So far it is fun and definitely stretching. Thanks for turning me onto this!
