Friday, November 27, 2015

Table- Five Minute Friday

The stories one can tell

The places it's been

The food and hearts it's held

when gathered around it

If only wood could talk

What would the wood say in your home?

Another time of feasting and strife?

Laden with delicacies galore?

Another day covered with books and

papers put off till a rainy day?


An emptiness, a longing for many to gather

round to share the joys and sorrows they have?

Day after day is it merely a piece of furniture,

collecting dust?  What would the wood say

if wood could talk today?


Check out Kate's site to see what others have gathered around our online table to write.

Friday, November 20, 2015

Dwell- Five Minute Friday

I keep company

I make it comfy

I remain in it

I don't venture far

Melancholic when I'm alone

Vibrant when I share this home

Dwell, dwell with me in this place

So that it's enlarged

Dwell, dwell with me in this space


To see what brews where others dwell, check out

Saturday, November 14, 2015


Weary, weary soul

Traveled far and long

Roads gone up

Roads gone down

Sometimes circled round

Weary, weary soul

No sun to lift your head

Eyes cast down

Shoulders sunk

Heart in a pit of despair

Weary, weary soul

Clouds hang low

Colors dark

Trees with leaves no more

Winter's here with chilling air

Your life is far too short

Weary, weary soul

Best carry on, expecting more

March forth as soldiers do

The sun will shine and you will see

Winter's gone as love comes

greeting you


To see what others are thinking, check out

Sunday, November 8, 2015

Dance -FMF on Sunday Morning

It's fun

It moves us

Little ones do it

Up and down

Arms in or out

Feet here or there

Spinning round and

tossing their hair

At a wedding

father, daughter

mother, son

Left to do alone at home

with music on

Trees do it, too

Branches and leaves

twitch to and fro

Doesn't matter if

it's fast or slow

We love it, it moves us

How free we can be

If only we get up and

dance to the beat


To see what others are writing about check out

Thursday, November 5, 2015

More Tokens

Sunny days, colorful leaves

glimmering stars at night

Enjoy them, behold them

feel their beauty wrap around

Don't ever lose sight!

No matter how good or bad

life is, these tokens remain

No need to work, no hoops to

jump through, just pause

Relish the art in God's frame

It is mine, it is yours

freely given, seasons through

Feast till your cup runneth over

It's here for both me and you!

Fat or ugly, rich or righteous

evil, skinny or poor

No matter your status

God's creation beckons us,

"Come hither! Come adore!"