Friday, May 28, 2010

Working with Dad-A Little Girl's Delight

As I sat at the head of the rectangular table, in between two of my students, one of them began to openly share about how she liked working with her dad. "What made you think of that?" I inquired.

"Because I like working and doing things with him and we're working now," she responded.

"What kind of work do you do with him?" I continued to probe.

"We pick the apples and get them for people to see and we put them in a big box," she explained while modeling the size of the crate. By this time, another student chimed in, "I like working with my dad, too."

Both of their dads work on farms. Their work is anything, but glamorous, but to these two girls, it didn't matter. They didn't know the difference. It wasn't about the money. It was about being with their dads. They simply delighted in his presence and doing something to help him.

I can't seem to recall many memories, if any, of just my dad and I working along side one another. There were a few times in the kitchen, as my father, Frank, loved to cook, but not much other than that to remember.

Matthew 28:20 reads, "And surely I am with you always to the very end of the age."

Today, the glimmer of joy on my students' faces while they shared how great it is to work with their dads, caught my attention. I was inspired to reflect upon my own experiences and wondered, "How conscience am I of my heavenly Father's presence while working? Do I enjoy it? Do I desire more of it? What am I doing to help Him?"

I think little girls never outgrow needing a daddy. Needing his presence, his strength, and knowing she has an important role to play in helping him. My students relish in that now and I can, too.

1 comment:

  1. Everybody needs the approval of a daddy...what a wonderful post!

